Playshops & Sessions 1:1


1:1 & Couples




Intimacy Playshops & Retreats


In connection we rise,


In connection we rise,


I offer my support to people to dive into journeys that help them to shift their life, develop their gifts, and find their true Self.

I work with men to empower them

revolutionizing their intimacy, their sexuality, their approach to women and their partner, but also their relationship with other brothers.I do this side by side in private sessions (1:1), but also with Men’s Circles.

I also work with all people, no matter their gender or their beliefs, in group dynamics and 1:1, where they can experience a heartful, authentic connection with themselves and with others.

This is what I call Conscious Intimacy, and it’s the foundation of my work.

No matter how we want to express our intimacy-through friendship, a romantic relationship or sexual connection-we need to begin from a heart-centered connection with ourselves. The rest will follow as a natural and joyful flow.


Bachelor in Communication Sciences and Master in Semiotics, after my university studies I began to travel. In my travels I discovered many new worlds and tools that led me to get closer and closer to people and to myself.

For some years I have been pursuing my mission: to support other people on the path towards authentic and conscious communication and intimacy, focusing above all on men and conscious masculinity.

In 2019 I was assisted by a sexuality professional (sex-coach) to be accompanied on a journey of greater sexual awareness towards myself and towards my partner.

In 2020 I participated in a 5-week retreat focused on shadow work, yogic-tantric esotericism, tantric sexuality and childhood traumas.

With the same teacher, I also participated in a 3-month course dedicated to men and awareness in relationship.

In 2021 I undertook a professional training with the Alchemy of Touch ™ Academy receiving a profound initiation to therapeutic touch, bringing a more somatic approach to my work. Since then I have been working also offering bodywork treatments. In 2022 I participated as an assistant to my teachers during their training course.

Since 2020 I have been successfully offering an online program for men ("The Attractive Hero") where men learn about conscious masculinity and sexuality, and where they have the space to share their authenticity with others.

I shares my experience as a facilitator and guide through men's circles, transformational workshops and retreats for couples and individuals.

I co-organized and facilitated retreats and workshops around Europe. I bring my work to Festivals too.

Beside group dynamics, I also offer individual and couple coaching sessions.

My Offers


one-to-one & couples

Trough my personal direct support you can face your challenges, reach your goals and expand your life.


Men's Circles are a powerful experience of brotherhood together with self-discovery.

Learn more about my work with Men's Circles and the transformative impact they have on developing a healthy masculinity and personal growth.



I created these transformative playshops inspired by different eye-heart-opening experiences I had through Tantric practices and other somatic dynamics.

No nudity or sexual interaction is involved.

Read more to know about authentic connection, soulful intimacy, and the power of mindful touch within the supportive context of group dynamics.



After my formation with the Alchemy of Touch™ Academy I become more aware of the healing power of a mindful touch.

I offer private sessions but also workshops to develop and play with the art of touch.



Intimità col Maschile

ciclo di 3 lezioni online (registrato)

Quello che le donne dovrebbero sapere sugli uomini.

Per donne che vogliono capire gli uomini.


“Your relationship to another person can be successful only when you are motivated by your innermost being. If the relationship is determined solely by the outer intellect and will, these faculties cannot find the delicate balance of allowing your self-expression and also receiving the other’s self-expression.”

— Eva Pierrakos

How I work


Group work and circles create a space in which to explore one's own vulnerability while feeling safe.

The group is a container that protects, supports and at the same time reflects and compares, with a non-judgmental, but evolutionary intention.

The sense of belonging and sharing soothes the sense of isolation, rejection, abandonment or humiliation.

The other becomes a precious mirror that shows us blind spots that we otherwise wouldn't be able to see.

By dropping fears and prejudices, you experience and train yourself to create more authentic relationships.


We call shadows our most hidden sides, the exiled parts of us, parts that we often don't see, we don't accept and we judge negatively.

With shadow work we go to contact these parts of us

bringing light, compassion and love and then integrating them more functionally into the our life through awareness.

This experience gives a sense of freedom and strength because when we love what we rejected of us, we become capable of being who we are also with the other.

Our energy expands and our power of self-realization grows more powerful and inspires those around us.


Mindfulness is the practice of bringing attention in the here and now to the subjective experience. It's about being present. But presence without being centered in the heart is not necessarily healthy.

I strongly believe that heart-centered presence is the pillar of any inner work.

Having a mind-heart-ful approach means to do any practice with presence, connected to the heart.

Heartful presence is one of the most overlooked qualities by the majority of people, and yet it should be one of the top priorities to live a life in harmony.

Especially for men since presence not only is connected to the masculine, but it is also one of the most valuable qualities that women look for in a man.


We live in a dualistic reality and everything can be polarized between the masculine and feminine energies.

However, people may often confuse this polarity with their personality and identity.

In the polarity frame, every person has masculine and feminine energy inside no matter the gender they feel identified with.

Too often men grow up conditioned to develop masculine qualities and repress their feminine qualities. Sometimes may be true the opposite, when men are conditioned to repress their masculine and by consequence they develop a more feminine identity.

In any case nobody teach us to connect with our authentic inner harmony.

To be a man doesn't necessarily mean to be masculine, rather to step in your authentic and Higher Self, embracing the whole spectrum of energy inside and let your masculine merge naturally.

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